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sorry I'm not home, I'm out playing with color
My name is Erica Moon and I've enjoyed drawing and painting all my life, but have recently started getting more serious about working more regularly and showing my work. While I started off exclusively doing monochromatic designs, I've found that I love color, and enjoy bringing out the colors hiding in nature. I am interested in finding opportunities to add pieces to gallery shows, but am also willing to sell pieces online. Get in touch and I'll be happy to show you any of my work in person.


I've never studied art formally, but have taken classes in every city I've lived in - New York, San Francisco, Berlin, Hokkaido (Japan), and now Austin TX. My career has been in tech marketing, but I love to paint.

"Painting is self-discovery. Every good artist paints what he is."
-Jackson Pollock
"To draw, you must close your eyes and sing."
-Pablo Picasso
"Let's get a little crazy here."
-Bob Ross
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